“Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.” ― Amit Ray

Jay Ledesma

In the world we now live in, we are more exposed to negativism, pessimism and criticism. For instance, we know that social media has empowered us to be more aware, knowledgeable and connected to each other. However, it has also enabled bashing, criticizing and humiliation in a larger scale. While some have learned to dismiss and be unaffected by these, there are many others who react, engage and allow themselves to be affected and influenced by these negativities.

The thing is, each of us see life through our own lens. We cannot control other people’s mindset, which are the assumptions, opinions and judgement they hold about themselves, other people and the situations around them. While we cannot do that, we can always choose to have the right mindset. We can choose to stay positive, filter what’s around so we take in those that will be good for us and discard/block those that are harmful.

While we cannot absolutely avoid being affected by the negative forces around us, there are ways how we can find and have a better perspective.

Know your worth. Always take time to pause and remind yourself of who you are and how much you are valued by the people who truly know you. Know the difference between critique and critic. The former identifies both positive and negative points and are done out of concern while the latter only finds negative points and usually meant to embarrass. Filter what’s coming your way. Don’t let the words of critics define who you are. Self-doubts happen when we don’t know ourself. But when you’re confident of who you are, no derogatory remarks/comments can break you.

Surround yourself with “positive” people. Be in the midst of people who are can motivate and can uplift you even during the most trying times. People who are successful and busy doing productive things have no time to dwell on problems and obstacles…they find solutions. Be with these kind of people. You can learn and draw inspiration from their journey and success. Avoid the presence of toxic individuals who are experts in complaining, whining and finding faults. They will not be of any help, they will just pull you down in their misery.

Celebrate your small victories. The road to success is usually long, winding with many humps and holes along the way. Make the effort to recognize, appreciate and celebrate your small wins, even if others won’t. Recognizing the small progress will boost your confidence and will excite you to do even better. And even if you fail, don’t let this stop you from working on your goals. Consider this as part of your journey to success. Celebrate the lessons learned and the chance for a new start.

Never compare yourself with others. While we can be inspired by what we see in others, it is not healthy to compare what we have with that of others. This is how envy starts. This fuels the tendency to think negative about other people. We all have our unique strengths and weaknesses. Develop and make better on our good sides. At the same time, acknowledge and improve on our weak sides. Have the courage to change what we can and to accept what we cannot. Do not be too hard on yourself. You might even be the luckier one.

Have a grateful heart. We may not always succeed. We many not always have what we want. Our journey in life may not be smooth sailing. We may feel that life has been cruel and unfair to us. But with a thankful heart, we can always see the good in every situation and discern the blessings thrown our way. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and for a lesson. Find those valuable lessons, especially in every setback. Always choose to be thankful with what you have and to be happy for who you are.

Let us be mindful that our mindset has a lot to do with what happens in our life. Our attitude determines our altitude. When we are able to understand, adapt, and adjust our mindset, we can better face and manage life and everything that comes with it. (Jay Ledesma)